Game Analysis

Analyzing your own games is important. However, it is easy to overdo it, and there is the question of the correct use of the chess engine. I offer a focused approach based on the following points:

  • Focus on opening theory and planning into the early middlegame. The features of Chessbase are very helpful for optimizing the work
  • Intelligent use of the chess engine where you ask the questions – and not the other way around
  • A general focus on Critical Moments (CM), both for you and the opponent. I use the 16 parameters to understand these CM from my coming book on Sharp Endgames
  • Focus on forced play and gearing (2 of my parameters) in chess: chess is a practical game and players often forget their opponent in their wish to create the game
  • Understanding of your thought process and the difficult decisions you faced. Spending a lot of time on a single move is an obvious indication of a tough decision. Typical thinking patterns often lead to time trouble


