Sharp Endgames From Giri-Rapport, Fide GP 2017 (1)

Giri-Rapport 2017. Position after 47…Nxd1. White to move and win. Play the position against a chess engine with 10’+30” Fischer time, corresponding to level 3 in my book.

Round 1 of the ongoing Fide Grand Prix in Palma de Mallorca saw an interesting endgame between two world class players. I have worked with the endgame to show how I used and created material for my recent book on Sharp Endgames.

Continue reading “Sharp Endgames From Giri-Rapport, Fide GP 2017 (1)”


Educational and Fun Chess Quiz

White to move: M. Liburkin 1935

Update: A lower rating level of 1500+ has been added to the quiz description!

Solution to the diagram can be found at the end of the blog post.

I have created an entertaining and educational chess quiz with 5 different types of exercises, lasting approximately 2½ hours in a team competition setting. Ideal for a fun evening at the chess club!

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Videos With Useful Chessbase Features

I have created 3 videos below with features in Chessbase that I believe is important to optimize your work on chess. The short videos will focus on minor issues, but still crucial to your daily work on chess. As a Chessbase supporter for Danish chess players, I get a lot of these minor questions, and I thought: why not shoot a few videos to help people out there.

Continue reading “Videos With Useful Chessbase Features”


4 Positions from Kamsky’s Games

17/2: updated with solutions!

The following 4 game fragments are all taken from Gata Kamsky’s games played in Moscow Open 2017. Kamsky participated for the first time and ended up with 7/9 points and 5th place. You can read the full Chessbase report on the event here.

Continue reading “4 Positions from Kamsky’s Games”
