Playing Exercises – Sharp Endgames

Positions with sharp endgames are playing exercises where you have to find your way through a number of Critical Moments (CM) under time pressure. The sharp character of the positions force you into setting focused and sometimes unpleasant priorities – and the concrete feedback from the solutions will help improve your decision-making over the board.

Check out an example from my book on Sharp Endgames here.

A training session with sharp endgames lasting at least 3 hours is especially effective, and will give me a clear idea about a player’s decision-making process, recurrent mistakes and typical thinking patterns. For that reason, my coaching fee goes down as the session continues past the 2nd and 3rd hour, with a special training offer for first-time pupils.

In a training session, the sharp endgames are played out against me (and a strong chess engine). I do online sessions on ICC (currently the best platform for that), but also face-to-face sessions with up to 4 players simultaneously. This setup is well suited for national teams prior to an international competition.
