Interview in Chess Life Magazine

Chess Life is the magazine for USCF members. The August edition has an interview with Dr. Kenneth Kiewra about fostering talent (His book titled Nurturing Children’s Talents. A Guide For Parents was published in January 2019). The author is no chess player, but a chess parent, and his son Keaton Kiewra (born 1987) earned the title of International Master.


First Positive Reactions

Here are a couple of responses to the interview with Andreas Skytte Hagen and Opening Simulator – King’s Indian Defence, posted on Quality Chess Blog.

Interview: “What an excellent interview. It convinced me to order your new book and Sharp Endgames. It didn’t either make things worse that “The Secret life of Bad Bishops” which I’m currently reading is very enjoyable!”


Interview With IM Andreas Skytte Hagen

Email interview with Danish International Master Andreas Skytte Hagen prior to the publication of Opening Simulator – King’s Indian Defence, Quality Chess 2019 (Esben Lund & Andreas Skytte Hagen). The book is set to be published at the end of July 2019, the interview was conducted shortly before the book release.

Co-writer and interviewer: Silas Esben Lund.

At the end of the interview I have added a KID game that Andreas played after the draft of the book was handed in to Quality Chess, with his own annotations.
