Weekly Endgame Column #2

Troitzky, from his treatment of the endgame 2N vs. pawns: White to move and win. You are welcome to try and solve the exercise before reading on.

This week: introduction to the endgame 2N vs. pawn. We shall learn two basic steps: 1) change the front and 2) release the reserve knight to attack and mate the king.

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Sharp Endgames From Giri-Rapport, Fide GP 2017 (1)

Giri-Rapport 2017. Position after 47…Nxd1. White to move and win. Play the position against a chess engine with 10’+30” Fischer time, corresponding to level 3 in my book.

Round 1 of the ongoing Fide Grand Prix in Palma de Mallorca saw an interesting endgame between two world class players. I have worked with the endgame to show how I used and created material for my recent book on Sharp Endgames.

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