Complex Endgames in the Marshall Chess Club

White to move

An online class by me starts on Monday in the Marshall Chess Club and runs for 5 Mondays. The dates are 10/28 – 11/4 – 11/11 – 11/18 – 11/25 at 6-7pm. Sign up for the online class using this link:

The Marshall Chess Club Calendar

Here is a description of the online class:

Complex endgames are endgames with at least 2 pieces, with elements of the middlegame, and where difficult decisions still need to be made in terms of exchanges and pawn advances, before the position settles into something more familiar in terms of basic or technical endgames. We analyze games from participants, if submitted. Hand in at least 3 days before the day of class. Otherwise, we will analyze interesting endgames from chess history.


Book Presentation at the Marshall Chess Club

On Wednesday I gave a lecture in the Marshall Chess Club based on my latest book for Quality Chess, The Secret Life of Bad Bishops. After an interactive presentation, the participants tried to solve 6 exercises. After feedback to these exercises, the evening was wrapped up with a book signing.

Continue reading “Book Presentation at the Marshall Chess Club”
