This week I shall continue the treatment of 2N vs. pawn. The knowledge from the second Endgame Column will come to use as you are encouraged to solve 20 exercises to get familiar with the 2 first phases:
Continue reading “Weekly Endgame Column #6”
Chess, Puzzles and Other Games
This week I shall continue the treatment of 2N vs. pawn. The knowledge from the second Endgame Column will come to use as you are encouraged to solve 20 exercises to get familiar with the 2 first phases:
Continue reading “Weekly Endgame Column #6”
Quality Chess has added the first review of Sharp Endgames on their homepage.
Continue reading “Sharp Endgames Book Review”
This week the subject is knight + pawn versus bishop. We shall have a look at positions where the shortest diagonal in front of the pawn is 4 or 5 squares.
Continue reading “Weekly Endgame Column #5”
Christmas is approaching, and my Fun Chess Quiz is an excellent choice for chess clubs on the last chess evening before the holidays!
Continue reading “Updated Chess Quiz”
Sharp Endgames is currently no. 1 on Amazon’s New Release chess list!
Continue reading “#1 New Release in Chess”
This week, we shall follow up on last week’s exercises. On the way, a couple of new important pawn endgames with 3 vs. 2 will be treated.
Continue reading “Weekly Endgame Column #4”
I have added a list of the Weekly Endgame Columns for a better overview. Number 4 will appear shortly, you can find the list and overview here.
This week, I will look into pawn endgames with 3 vs. 2 on the same side. In order to navigate through the positions, we shall deal with important 2 vs. 1 positions too.
Continue reading “Weekly Endgame Column #3”
Here are a few pictures from Tuesday evening at the Marshall Chess Club.
Continue reading “Impressions from the Book Presentation”
At my book presentation on Tuesday at the Marshall Chess Club, there will be some actual playing training as it reflects the purpose of the book: it is simply a good way to present my book!
Continue reading “Sharp Endgames – Playing Training on Tuesday!”