Round 1 of the Fide Grand Prix 2017 in Palma de Mallorca saw an interesting endgame between two world class players. I have worked with the endgame to show how I used and created material for Sharp Endgames. The game was played after the publication of my book.
In the solutions, I will focus on Critical Moments and the 16 parameters connected to them. The solutions will be extensive and reflect how I work with the material in my book. You can find the answers at the bottom of this page.

Working with material as the position above, I will produce extra exercises if it makes sense. You might try to solve the main exercise and think ‘what if White or Black played this…’, and thus the extra exercises are a way to get the most out of the position. However, I only include extra exercises if I believe them to produce something different from the main exercise.
The above exercise (no. 2 – the position with only one a-pawn) is an example of this. The upcoming exercise (no. 3) is an extra exercise from no. 1, and I therefore suggest that you try your luck with the main exercise first. In my book, the extra exercises are of course placed in later chapters of the book.

Solutions to the 3 exercises can be found here.