Subscribe Thanks for signing up to the Weekly Chess Letter!First name *Last name *Email *Country *Rating *Your national or FIDE rating - to give me a sense of your playing strength.Which subscription do you want to choose? *You can choose only one. The subscription starts on the first Friday of a month.Monthly Subscription ($4.95)6 Month Subscription ($24.75 - you save 1 month)1 Year Subscription ($44.55 - you save 3 months)When do you wish to start the subscription? *The Weekly Chess Letter starts on Friday, October 5th, 2018. However, you can choose a month to start the subscription. Your subscription can also include previous Weekly Chess Letters if you wish.October 2018November 2018Payment Method *1) PayPal: transfer money to (setting up an account is quick and free). 2) Check: mail it to Silas Esben Lund, 155 Washington Street, Apt. 1408, Jersey City, NJ-07302, USA. Once the payment is received, I will start to send out the Weekly Chess Letter. Renewal can be done at anytime, and the subscription simply terminates if it's not renewed.I wish to use PayPalI prefer to mail a check VerificationPlease enter any two digits *Example: 12This box is for spam protection - <strong>please leave it blank</strong>: Feel free to send me material you think would be interesting for the Weekly Chess Letter!