Checkmate Quiz 1 & 2

My new book series about checkmates with names has been launched! The first 2 books have been published, the third one is on the way and will appear later in 2024.

Checkmate Quiz is a new way of presenting checkmates. Rather than just solving the checkmating puzzles, the correct name of the mate must be chosen from a list and match the position for extra points.

The Introduction in Checkmate Quiz 1 takes the reader on a tour de force through the history of naming checkmates and presents the most important 61 checkmates based on 5 main categories.

Get the books in our Etsy store.

Go to these blog pages to find out more about the books:

Checkmate Quiz 1

Checkmate Quiz 2

Sample Quiz on level 3

Preface for Checkmate Quiz 1-4

Checkmates after 1963
